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The Publicity Branch serves to publicize events on social media, as well as to create content for our various channels like our blog and YouTube. This year, our publicity branch is aiming to help uplift minority voices and have a more diverse content creation base on our social media platforms, both internally within SWE and externally throughout the Cockrell community at UT.


Contact the PR Director with any questions or for more information.

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Publicity Committee


The publicity committee creates content for our blog and YouTube channel. Under the direction of the publicity chairs, this committee meets biweekly to brainstorm, write or film. Additionally, the  committee will be participating in both SWE and external video competitions. 


Contact the publicity chairs for more information.

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Social Media Collaboration

As a part of our effort to uplift more diverse voices throughout the Cockrell community, the publicity branch is partnering with other engineering organizations to collaboratively create content. This includes things like our joint engineering advice column, which debuted over the summer, and will include videos and other social media engagement in the future.


If you are interested in collaborating with SWE, contact the PR Director.

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End of Year Scrapbook and Videos

The publicity branch is responsible for creating the end of year scrapbook, as well as the recap and senior videos for our Spring Awards Banquet. View our FY20 scrapbook, recap video and senior video. We will form a scrapbook committee towards the end of the year, so keep an eye out for that!

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